News: Upcoming Webinar on February 10, at 10am US Eastern, 3pm UTC, 11pm BeijingIntroducing RREPEATS: The Trusted AI Principles |
In 1Q2021 we have weekly meetings usually at 9 or 10am US Eastern to make it easier for participants in Asia to join
- Please contact Susan Malaika malaika@us.ibm.com if you would like to join the meetings and share your use cases and applications of the principles - you can also join he Trusted AI Committee mailing list https://lists.lfaidata.foundation/g/trusted-ai-360-technical-discuss
- Please join the slack: LF AI & Data Foundation - lfaifoundation.slack.com - #principles channel if you would like to engage in discussion about the principles
The working group is made up of:
- Souad Ouali (Chair)
- Jeff Cao
- Francois Jezequel
- Sarah Luger
- Susan Malaika
- Alka Roy
- Alejandro Saucedo
- Marta Ziosi
Interested individuals
- Rachel Bellamy
- Robert Nagle
Main Documents from the Working Group
(a) RREPEATS - The Trusted AI Principles at a Glance
(b) An Overview of the Trusted-AI Principles (RREPEATS) at the LF-AI
(c) Blog - Coming soon