Technical Advisory Council (TAC)
Mail List
Join the TAC mail list here to stay up to date on communications. Contact the TAC via email at
LF AI & Data Foundation TAC Overview
a) The role of the TAC is to facilitate communication and collaboration among the Technical Projects. The TAC will be responsible for: i) coordinating collaboration among Technical Projects, including development of an overall technical vision for the community; ii) making recommendations to the Budget Committee of resource priorities for Technical Projects; iii) electing annually a chairperson to preside over meetings, set the agenda for meetings, ensure meeting minutes are taken and who will also serve on the Governing Board as the TAC’s representative (the “TAC Representative”); iv) creating, maintaining and amending project lifecycle procedures and processes, subject to the approval of the Governing Board; and v) such other matters related to the technical role of the TAC as may be communicated to the TAC by the Governing Board.
b) The voting members of the TAC consist of: i) one representative appointed by each Premier Member; and ii) one representative appointed by the technical oversight body (e.g., a technical steering committee) of each TAC Project (as defined herein).
c) One representative of any Member may observe meetings of the TAC. Any committers from a TAC Project may observe meetings of the TAC. The TAC may change this at any point in time, including: (a) opening meetings to a broader community; (b) holding closed meetings; and (c) holding meetings open to the public.
d) At the start of the Directed Fund, “TAC Projects” are those Technical Projects listed as having voting representatives on the TAC on the Directed Fund’s web site. Thereafter, any Technical Project can become a TAC Project through the approval of the Technical Project’s technical oversight body, the TAC (by a two-third’s vote), and the Governing 6 Board. The TAC and the Governing Board may approve a project lifecycle policy that will address the incubation, archival and other stages of TAC Projects.
e) The TAC representatives will elect a chair to preside over meetings, ensure minutes are taken and drive the TAC agenda with input from the TAC representatives.
Additional information is available in the LF AI & Data Charter.
Voting Members
Under the original charter rules we need 50% attendance from the voting members ( represented by premier members + graduate projects) to meet quorum. To ensure quorum is met more consistently, the TAC implemented the following attendance and voting eligibility rule effective Dec 1, 2022: Voting members of the TAC who miss 2 consecutive meetings will not be allowed to vote and must then attend 2 consecutive meetings before their voting privileges are reinstated.
With the new attendance and voting rule adopted by the TAC, the number of eligible voting members varies per week and is tracked here. Please see meeting minutes on the TAC Wiki for details on attendance and voting eligibility on a per meeting basis.
Member Company or Graduated Project | Membership Level or Project Level | Voting Eligibility | Country | TAC Representative | Designated TAC Representative Alternates |
4paradigm | Premier | Voting Member | China | ||
Amazon Web Services | Premier | Voting Member | USA | ||
Databricks | Premier | Voting Member | USA | ||
Ericsson | Premier | Voting Member | Sweden | Vacant | |
Huawei | Premier | Voting Member | China | ||
IBM | Premier | Voting Member | USA | ||
Intel | Premier | Voting Member | USA | ||
Microsoft | Premier | Voting Member | USA | Vacant | |
Neural Magic | Premier | Voting Member | USA | ||
Nvidia | Premier | Voting Member | USA | ||
OPPO | Premier | Voting Member | China | ||
Sas | Premier | Voting Member | USA | ||
TikTok | General | Voting Member | USA | ||
ZTE | Premier | Voting Member | China | ||
Adversarial Robustness Toolbox Project | Graduated Technical Project | Voting Member | USA | ||
Angel Project | Graduated Technical Project | Voting Member | China | ||
DocArray Project | Graduated Technical Project | Voting Member | Germany | ||
Egeria Project | Graduated Technical Project | Voting Member | UK | Dan Wolfson, Peter Coldicott | |
Flyte Project | Graduated Technical Project | Voting Member | USA | ||
Horovod Project | Graduated Technical Project | Voting Member | USA | ||
Kedro Project | Graduated Technical Project | Voting Member | USA | ||
Marquez Project | Graduated Technical Project | Voting Member | USA | TBD | |
Milvus Project | Graduated Technical Project | Voting Member | China | ||
ONNX Project | Graduated Technical Project | Voting Member | USA | ||
Open Lineage Project | Graduated Technical Project | Voting Member | USA | ||
Pyro Project | Graduated Technical Project | Voting Member | USA |
*Current TAC Chairperson
Voting Information
In various situations, the LF AI & Data Foundation TAC shall hold a vote. These votes can happen on the phone, email, or via a voting service, when appropriate. TAC members can either respond "agree, yes, +1", "disagree, no, -1", or "abstain".
a) Quorum for Governing Board and Committee meetings will require fifty percent of the voting representatives. If advance notice of the meeting has been given per normal means and timing, the Governing Board may continue to meet even if quorum is not met, but will be prevented from making any decisions at the meeting.
b) Ideally decisions will be made based on consensus. If, however, any decision requires a vote to move forward, the representatives of the Governing Board or Committee, as applicable, will vote on a one vote per voting representative basis.
c) Except as provided in Section 16.a., decisions by vote at a meeting will require a simple majority vote, provided quorum is met. Except as provided in Section 16.a., decisions by electronic vote without a meeting will require a majority of all voting representatives.
d) In the event of a tied vote with respect to an action that cannot be resolved by the Governing Board, the Chair may refer the matter to the LF for assistance in reaching a decision. If there is a tied vote in any Committee that cannot be resolved, the matter may be referred to the Governing Board.
e) Effective: Dec 1, 2022 - Voting members are expected to attend TAC members to vote on important council decisions, participate in planning, and provide input on future strategies. Voting members are encouraged to provide designated alternate attendees who will assume voting privileges for the individual meeting they attend, and to send said alternates in their absence to maintain quorum. Voting members (or their alternates) who do not attend two consecutive TAC meetings will lose their voting privileges. Privileges will be reinstated upon the successful attendance of two consecutive meetings by the voting member or designated alternate.
Additional information is available in the LF AI & Data Charter.
Proposing Projects
Visit LF AI & Data GitHub to review the LF AI & Data Project Proposal Process and Project Lifecycle documentation.
Current Projects
For a list of all projects, visit the LF AI & Data Wiki home page home page.
Election Results
For information on TAC Chairperson election results history, visit the LF AI & Data Election Results History page.
Meeting Details
TAC meetings are open to the public and held every other Thursday from 6am-7am PT. Meeting invites are managed from the sub-group (mail list) within the LF AI & Data Foundation account.
Visit the Community Meetings & Calendar page for instructions on how to subscribe to the meetings.
The meetings can be accessed as follows:
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android:
Or iPhone one-tap
US: +16465588656,,430697670# or +16699006833,,430697670#
Or Telephone:
Dial(for higher quality, dial a number based on your current location):
US: +1 646 558 8656 or +1 669 900 6833 or +1 855 880 1246 (Toll Free) or +1 877 369 0926 (Toll Free)
Meeting ID: 430 697 670
International numbers available:
Meeting Agendas
All meeting agendas, content, and minutes are distributed via mail list. Subscribe to the TAC mail list