MEP 29 -- Support Role-Based Access Control
Current state: Under Discussion
To control users' access to resources like collections in Milvus.
There is no basic security model for resource access in Milvus currently. Users can do damage to data either intentionally or unintentionally.
This project aims to support role-based access control. Users can do their operations according to the privileges assigned to them. And administrators of the Milvus cluster can manage users and operations under control.
Design Details
User: Every user has a unique identifier and is assigned a number of privileges.
Resource Types: Resources defined in Milvus service, like collection, database, etc.
Privilege: Permissions to specific resource.
Role mapping: The mapping between users and roles.
Privilege mapping: The privileges users or roles having for a specific resource.
Additionally, when Milvus service is deployed in cloud, there will be a namespace for each Milvus cluster called tenant.
DB Schema for entities
id | tenant | username | is_super | is_deleted | created_time | updated_time |
Attribute is_super is true for root user, meaning the root is a super user.
The root user is created by default for each cluster and has all permissions across the cluster.
The root user does not belong to any role.
2、Resource Types
id | resource | created_time |
Resource types are globally unique, no need to add attribute tenant for it.
id | tenant | resource_type | privilege | updated_time | is_deleted | created_time |
id | tenant | role_name | updated_time | is_deleted | created_time |
5、Role mapping
id | tenant | user_id | role_id | is_deleted | created_time |
By design, a role inherited from another role is not possible here.
6、Privilege grants of resource COLLECTION
id | tenant | grantor_name | principal_name | principal_type | collection_priv | collection_id | is_deleted | created_time |
Grantor_name is the user who grants the privileges.
Principal_name is the target which grantor grants privileges to.
The value of principal_type are USER or ROLE.
Collection_priv is the privilege to a collection, like SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, etc.
For some collections which have alias, it will first get the real collection of the alias. Privilege verification will be based on the real collection not the alias. Collections stored in the table are also the real collection, not the alias.
The wildcard mode is supported for the collections in the table.
7、Privilege grants of resource DATABASE (Not used since database is not supported in Milvus for now)
id | tenant | grantor_name | principal_name | principal_type | db_priv | db_id | is_deleted | created_time |
Db_priv is the privilege to a database, like CREATE, DROP, etc.
KV Store Schema
/prefix/credential/users/{tenant}/{username} | {"k1": "v1", "k2": "v2"} |
2、Resource Types
/prefix/credential/resources/{resourceType} | nil |
/prefix/credential/privileges/{tenant}/{resourceType}/{privilege} | nil |
/prefix/credential/roles/{tenant}/{rolename} | nil |
5、Role mapping
/prefix/credential/user-role-mapping/{tenant}/{username}/{rolename} | nil |
6、Privilege Grants
/prefix/credential/privilege-grants/{tenant}/{principalType}/{principalName}/{resourceType}/{resourceName} | [{"resource":"SELECT", "grantor":"Alice"}, {"resource":"UPDATE", "grantor":"Bob"}] |
Resources & Privileges defined in Milvus
Users/Roles can be granted the following privileges:
Privileges | Resources |
ALL | Collection |
CREATE | Collection |
DROP | Collection |
ALTER | Collection |
READ | Collection |
LOAD | Collection |
RELEASE | Collection |
COMPACT | Collection |
INSERT | Collection |
DELETE | Collection |
Index-related operations are included in ALTER privilege, like building, dropping index.
Default Roles
There are two default roles: admin, public.
Role admin have ALL the privilege. Role public only has READ and LOAD privileges.
For every API, parameter tenant is mandatory for avoiding loading too much data to memory.
1、Create a role
func CreateRole(roleName string) bool
Only root user can create roles. Role name cannot be "admin" or "public".
2、Grant & revoke privileges
func GrantPrivilege(privilege string, resourceType string, resourceName string, principalName string, principalType string) bool func RevokePrivilege(privilege string, resourceType string, resourceName string, principalName string, principalType string) bool
Only root user can grant & revoke privileges.
3、List grants for a user/role
func PrincipalGrantList(principalName string, principalType string, resourceType string, resourceName string) []PrincipalGrant
Output structure:
PrincipalName | PrincipalType | Privilege | ResourceType | ResourceName |
Alice | USER | INSERT | Collection | tbl_1 |
Users can only query the grants for himself. And only root user can query grants for a role.
4、Show the role grants
func RoleGrantList(roleName string) []RoleGrant
Role | Privilege | ResourceType | ResourceName |
role_a | INSERT | COLLECTION | tbl_1 |
role_a | SELECT | COLLECTION | tbl_1 |
role_a | CREATE | DATABASE | db_1 |
role_a | DROP | DATABASE | db_1 |
The API may query multiple tables depending on how many resource types milvus supporting.
Only root user can use the api.
5、Manipulate role membership, includes adding/removing users to a role
func AddUserToRole(userName, roleName string) bool func RemoveUserFromRole(userName, roleName string) bool
Only root user can manipulate role membership.
6、Drop a role
func DropRole(roleName string) bool
A role cannot be dropped if it has privileges. Use REVOKE API to remove privileges.
Only root user can drop roles.
7、List roles
func RoleList() []Role
RoleName |
admin |
role_a |
Only root user can use the api.
8、List role memberships
func RoleMembershipList(roleName string) []RoleMembership
RoleName | UserName |
admin | root |
Only root user can use the api.
9、Show users
func UserList() []User
UserName | Roles |
root | [admin, role_a] |
Only root user can use the api.
10、List roles of a user
func rolesOfUser(username string) []string
11、List all types of resources
func ResourceList() []Resource
Resource |
12、List all privileges
func PrivilegeListOfResource(resourceType string) []Privilege
ResourceType | Privilege |
13、Delete User
The root user cannot be deleted.
Other Notices
- There will be initialization program for presetting users, resource types, privileges. Before the Milvus go to service, they are inserted into the meta table.
- The root user is the only user that has privileges to create/drop/grant/revoke users and privileges.
- In MEP-27, basic auth is taking effect if there are any existing users. Since root user is created by default once Milvus service starts, it will introduce a toggle to indicate whether the authentication is turned on.
- Using Casbin for role-based privileges check.
Test Plan
Testing all the APIs listed above.