2021-08-25 CM - High Availability with Egeria
2021-08-25 CM - High Availability with Egeria
- Chris Replogle
- Chris Grote (Deactivated)
- Charles Shen
- Azeem
- Ben Ryan
- Nigel Jones
- Maryna.Strelchuk@ing.com
- Himesh Cohpra
- Maxim Vetlugin
- Prantik Ghoshal
- Yevgeniy Marchenko
- Understand high availability design/set up for Egeria
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
5 mins | Welcome | Mandy Chessell | |
10 mins | Overview of platform/server design | Mandy Chessell | |
45 mins | How this works with the CRUX repository | Chris Grote |