2023-09-06 CM - Egeria's Runtimes
2023-09-06 CM - Egeria's Runtimes
This is the first meeting after the summer break. It is an opportunity to reconnect, understand the proposed scheule of calls and releases as well as review the different runtimes that Egeria has.
Discussion items
Time | Item | Who | Notes |
10 mins | Welcome back | All | An opportunity to introduce yourself |
5 mins | Community meeting agendas and schedule | Mandy Chessell | Review of today's agenda and the proposed schedule of calls (both dates and content). See Community Meetings |
10 mins | Release news | Mandy Chessell | A review of the proposed release schedule for the next 12 months. See https://egeria-project.org/release-notes/overview/#core-egeria-function |
20 mins | Review of Egeria runtimes | Mandy Chessell | What are the different runtimes that are provided with Egeria, what function do they provide and what types of supporting infrastructure are needed to use them. |
15 mins | AOB | All | Other agenda items, announcements and feedback |
Meeting recording
Next week's agenda: 2023-09-13 CM - Review of Releases 4.2 and 4.3