OSS NA - LF AI Virtual Mini Summit (2020)

Meeting Details

LF AI Participation Overview: A virtual LF AI Mini Summit will be held in conjunction with Open Source Summit North America (OSS NA). Attendees must be registered for OSS NA in order to attend the LF AI Mini Summit. Agenda and registration details will be added to this page upon confirmation. Stay tuned for more information. 

Meeting Details:

  • Date: Thursday, July 2, 2020
  • Location: Virtual
  • Time: 10:00 am - 11:30 am 
  • Time Zone: Central Daylight Time (CDT)
  • Meeting Length: 90 minute time slot

Event Website for OSS NA: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-source-summit-north-america/

Event Registration via OSS NA site: http://www.cvent.com/d/chqr48/4W?ct=50221cf5-5496-4c34-9ec0-3b52b1bf1204&_ga=2.218963033.1778517007.1590512784-2016103750.1549295664

Schedule: https://ossna2020.sched.com/event/cNRn/lf-ai-foundation-mini-summit

Please submit any questions about LF AI participation at this event to: tac-general@lists.lfai.foundation

LF AI Event/Meeting Lead Name & Contact Details: TBD

Presentation Overview

Session Title:
LF AI Foundation Mini Summit

The LF AI Foundation mission is to build and support an open AI community, and drive open source innovation in the AI, ML, and DL domains by enabling collaboration and the creation of new opportunities for all the members of the community. We invite you to join us for our LF AI Foundation Mini Summit where we will cover the latest updates from the Foundation, Technical Advisory Council, Trusted AI Committee, technical projects, and more. We look forward to uncovering new collaboration opportunities among our growing community. Join us!

View the schedule here!


Complimentary with OSS NA registration. Attendees must be registered for OSS NA in order to attend.

Planning To-Do List

Tracking for to-do items, due dates, owners, and notes

To Do

Due Date




Description for Website + Reg Formn/aXJacquelineDate posted to website/reg form: done!
Confirm speakers & agenda & get it added to websiteMay 29XChrissy
Send confirmed speakers registration information & technical requirementsJune 1XChrissy

Confirm if speakers will be all pre-recorded with a live Q&A or if all presentations will be held live.June 4XChrissy
Submit final Summit Schedule & Speakers to Events TeamJune 5XChrissy
Speakers to log into platform and do a system checkJune 5XSpeakers


Please have speakers run a system check to ensure their computer is configured properly for the platform. Please also run a compatibility check, which tests your webcam and audio devices, along with WebRTC and WebSocket connectivity on your network for streaming media (which includes webcam/microphone, screen share,  media files, VCU, Encoder, etc.). If you encounter any issues, please refer to InXpo’s additional computer tips which provide additional information to help optimize your system set-up.

Send the OSS NA speaker guide to SpeakersJune 5XChrissyOSS NA 2020 Speaker Guide
Speakers to attend Live Session Speaker TrainingJune 15, 16 or 17XSpeakers

All speakers are required to attend speaker training. 

Event organizers will send invitations out to all speakers. You can choose the date that works best for you. 

All speaker presentations are dueJune 19XSpeakers

The presentation should be in .PPT format and the 16:9 PowerPoint slide presentation and any videos must be sent separately – do not embed the videos!

Deadline to register as a speakerJune 24XSpeakersPlease register ASAP! Reach out to LF AI staff for a registration discount code.

CONFIRMED Schedule - As of 6/11/2020

Draft and final schedule to be posted here, including presentation links.

90 minute time slot - 10:00 am - 11:30 am Central Daylight Time





Presentation (Link)

10:00 - 10:2525 minutesWelcome / LF AI Overview / How to Get Involved / Outreach Committee updatesJacqueline Serafin, LF AI Program Manager

10:25 - 10:4015 minutesUpdates from the TACJim Spohrer (IBM) - TAC Chairperson 

10:40 - 10:5515 minutesTrusted AI Committee UpdatesAnimesh Singh (IBM) - TrustedAI Chairperson

10:55 - 11:1015 minutesML Workflow & Interop Committee UpdatesHoward Huang (Huawei) - ML Workflow & Interop Chairperson 

11:10 - 11:3020 minutesQ&A with LF AI Leadership Team

Jacqueline Serafin, LF AI Program Manager

Jim Spohrer (IBM) - TAC Chairperson 

Animesh Singh (IBM) - TrustedAI Chairperson

Howard Huang (Huawei) - ML Workflow & Interop Chairperson 

Speaker Resources

Training Modules & Resources - Below are several important resources for speakers presenting in a virtual session:

  • Webcast presenter overview provides a glance at the presenter tools in the platform, with the single speaker overview on page 1, and a multiple speaker overview on page 2. 

  • System Check - Ensure your computer is configured properly for the platform. 

  • Compatibility Check - Tests your webcam and audio devices, along with WebRTC and WebSocket connectivity on your network for streaming media (which includes webcam/microphone, screen share,  media files, VCU, Encoder, etc.). 

  • Additional computer tips - Information to help optimize your system set-up.  

Event/Meeting Photos

Post final event photos to be used in future marketing, social, and content 

Planning/Meeting Notes

Add planning or meeting notes here for collaboration among event planning participants

  • Tracking for Event Lead Participants:
    • Alka Roy, alkaroy11@gmail.com - Trusted AI Committee: Mini Summit topics, content organization
  • Tracking for Interested Participants:
    • Travis Addair - Horovod Project : I have a talk that has been accepted for OSSNA, so I'd be happy to participate in the LF AI Summit as well.  Would be great to do a tutorial or similar as we did last year.
      • Note: If event is virtual, can cover content during both OSS NA and EU sessions
    • Animesh Singh (Deactivated) - Trusted AI Committee: Block for Trusted AI updates.
      • Note: If event is virtual, can cover content during both OSS NA and EU sessions
    • Sophia Aryan, sophia@simiotics.com - ML Workflow & Interop Committee: I can commit couple of hours per week - if it would help you.  I can help with marketing communications, social media support, finding great speakers, setting the program. 
    • mo_mack - Trusted AI Committee: I am on the waitlist for OSS NA for my Trusted AI workshop. I'd love to be involved with any planning we have for these conferences.
    • Ivelin Ivanov, ivelin.ivanov@ambianic.ai - Outreach Committee: Planning for agenda topics.

    • Wenjing Chu - I have a talk accepted in the earlier LF Membership Submit which was canceled due to the pandemic. I'd be happy to participate and share. The topic is on promising building blocks that can enhance human trust in AI & ML.
    • Ivelin Ivanov  - I am based in Austin and would be happy to help with the LF AI summit.