OSS NA - LF AI Booth (2020)

OSS NA - LF AI Booth (2020)

Event planning and general information template below - To be updated by Event/Meeting Lead

Event Details

LF AI Participation Overview: Open Source Summit North America (OSS NA) is a Linux Foundation event which is open to anyone to attend (registration and fees apply). There will be an "AI/ML/DL presented by LF AI Foundation" Track at Open Source Summit events. Speaking opportunities are available through the CFP process noted on the event website. LF AI will have a bronze booth sponsorship which will include opportunities for activities such as LF AI technical project demos, LF AI meetings, etc. The LF AI booth schedule will be updated below. 

Event Location & Date(s): June 29-July 2 - Virtual

Event Website: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-source-summit-north-america/

Please submit any questions about LF AI participation at this event to: outreach-committee@lists.lfai.foundation

Register for event here: https://events.linuxfoundation.org/open-source-summit-north-america/register/. *Booth staff will receive a free registration*

Sponsorship Details:

Open Source Summit + Embedded Linux Conference North America 2020 - Bronze Sponsorship Benefits Include:

-- 6 Event Registration Passes for your staff or customers. 

-- 20% Discount on Additional Conference Passes: For use by your customers, partners or colleagues.

-- Recognition in Pre-Conference Email Marketing: Includes link to your URL.

-- Recognition on Event Website: Prominent logo display on event homepage.

-- Prominent Branding throughout virtual conference.

-- Conference Track Branding: Shared Bronze - Logo featured in Auditorium for one track throughout conference and post event for on-demand videos.

Virtual Exhibit Booth: Bronze sponsor booths include:

-- Small exhibit booth (Booths will be different sizes for varying sponsorship levels).

-- Ability to generate leads with attendee contact information for those that visit your booth.

-- Chat function with booth attendees (private or group options).

-- Embedded sponsor videos on booth.

-- Ability to link to resources, social media, job postings etc.

-- Ability to survey booth attendees.

-- Booth Visit Gamification: Attendees will earn points for visiting your booth, with points earning prizes. (Points for Booth Visit)

Lead Gen/Badge Scanning: All Attendees will receive a pop-up notification upon entering an Exhibit Hall that lets them know that any engagement within a sponsor booth (using live chat, watching demo, or downloading resources etc) is automatically giving approval for us to share that attendee’s contact information with that sponsor. Thus, sponsors will receive all ‘booth scans’ for attendees that ‘engage’ in their booth.The Linux Foundation reserves the right to increase/decrease the number of available sponsorships & update deliverables due to changes in space availability and/or venue restrictions.

Sponsor agrees to adhere to all event rules and regulations as outlined in the sponsor portal and as communicated by event staff.

Sponsor is responsible for submitting deliverables on time. Sponsorship benefits may not be fulfilled if deliverables are received past the deadlines set in the sponsor portal and/or communicated by event staff.

Planning To-Do List

Tracking for to-do items, due dates, owners, and notes - To be updated

To Do

Due Date




Confirm list of booth assets to display at virtual boothMay 29XLF AIUnlimited number of Videos/demos, links, downloadable content, contact forms & attendee surveys all possible.
Call for volunteers to staff boothJune 8XLF AI
Finalize all content for the boothJune 19XLF AICreate and produce any video content, documents, webpages and/or surveys you wish to include in your booth. Content will need to be ready to add to your booth no later than this date.
Finalize booth staffJune 19XLF AI
Add Booth Staff to online platformJune 22XLF AI
Booth Staff Training on Virtual PlatformJune 23XBooth Staff
BOOTH STAFF - Must be registered by this dateJune 24XBooth StaffThe Sponsor Voucher codes are good for (6) complimentary conference registrations based on our Bronze sponsor level. Email charter@linuxfoundation.org for a registration code. 
Submit names & email of all booth staff to Events TeamJune 24XLF AI
Post on social media: https://twitter.com/LFAI_FoundationJune 29 - July 1XBooth Staff

#osssummit and @LFAI_Foundation 

Event Registrations

There are 6 registration passes available for use. To receive a registration pass you must sign up for booth staffing (see below) and be approved by the Event Lead. LF AI staff will then provide the registration link and registration code for use.

Attendee Name

Attendee Email


Jessica Kim



Ivelin Ivanow



Javier Luraschi



Susan Malaikamalaika@us.ibm.com


Booth Details

Please note: Open Booth Hours may change based on the conference session schedule. 

Booth Location: Bronze Hall

Open Booth Hours:


  • Monday, June 29 - Wednesday, July 1:
    • 8:30 am – 9:30 am
    • 11:00 am-1:00 pm
    • 1:30 – 5:30 pm

Booth Staffing

Please note: All booth staff must be registered for OSS NA 2020. If you are staffing the booth, please reach out to LF AI staff for a free registration code. 

Booth staffing will require you to log into the OSS NA virtual platform and be available to chat with attendees and and answer questions in our virtual booth. 

The booth will also include downloadable information on the LF AI Foundation, including how to Get Involved, links to our projects, etc.


Monday, June 29: 

  • 8:30 am – 9:30 am
  • 11:00 am-1:00 pm
  • 1:30 – 5:30 pm

Time Slot

Staff Name(s)

Staff Email(s)

8:30 - 9:30 am 

Jessica Kim


11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Ivelin Ivanovivelin.ivanov@ambianic.ai

1:30 - 3:30 pm

Susan Malaikamalaika@us.ibm.com

3:30 - 5:30 pm

Ivelin Ivanovivelin.ivanov@ambianic.ai

Tuesday, June 30: 

  • 8:30 am – 9:30 am
  • 11:00 am-1:00 pm
  • 1:30 – 5:30 pm

Time Slot

Staff Name(s) 

Staff Email(s)

8:30 - 9:30 am 

Jessica Kim


11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Javier Luraschijavier@rstudio.com

1:30 - 3:30 pm

Ivelin Ivanovivelin.ivanov@ambianic.ai

3:30 - 5:30 pm

Ivelin Ivanovivelin.ivanov@ambianic.ai

Wednesday, July 1:  

  • 8:30 am – 9:30 am
  • 11:00 am-1:00 pm
  • 1:30 – 5:30 pm

Time Slot

Staff Name(s)

Staff Email(s)

8:30 - 9:30 am 

Jessica Kim


11:00 am - 1:00 pm

Javier Luraschijavier@rstudio.com

1:30 - 3:30 pm

Ivelin Ivanovivelin.ivanov@ambianic.ai

3:30 - 5:30 pm

Ivelin Ivanovivelin.ivanov@ambianic.ai

Event/Meeting Photos

Post final event photos to be used in future marketing, social, and content 

Planning Meeting Notes

Add planning or meeting notes here for collaboration among event planning participants

  • Tracking for Event Lead Participants:
  • Tracking for Interested Participants: