NNStreamer - Community Meetings & Calendar

NNStreamer Group Calendar Overview

Effective March 22, 2019: Group calendars are managed within LF AI Foundation Groups.io subgroups (mail lists); with each sub-group (mail list) having a unique group calendar. Meeting invites from these group calendars are sent to the applicable sub-group (mail list). In order to see the various group calendars you must:

View Instructions on How to Subscribe to LF AI Group Calendars

For detailed information on LF AI meeting management processes view this page: LF AI Foundation - Community Meetings and Calendars

NNStreamer Meetings List




Subgroup (mail list)


Dial In Link

Day of Week (frequency) 00:00 AM/PM - 00:00 AM/PM (timezone)Meeting Title (Zoom Account Used)

Meeting Owner/Moderator


Meeting Purpose

Zoom Name: https://zoom.us/...


2:00 PM - 3:00 PM (KST)

TSC Meeting #1MyungJoo Hamnnstreamer-announce@lists.lfai.foundationVote & Approve
(TSC Meeting)
Skype: join.skype.com/YH9fDiNouDod

NNStreamer Group Calendar 

This calendar is read-only. Please ask your administrator to renew your Team Calendars subscription.