2021-01-27 TSC - Use Case Review
2021-01-27 TSC - Use Case Review
- Review use cases that can drive strategy
- Maryna shared a format that we agreed to use for all scenarios that shows the use case at the top and the Egeria function needed to achieve that below.
- Mandy shared the govenrance maturity model - https://opengovernance.odpi.org/maturity-model/ as a source to drive use cases
- Billy shared a proposal for using the release notes to drive blogs to publicise new features
- Discussion on using templates to improve issue reporting to help the creation of the release note
Action items
- We agreed that Maryna and Mandy will use Maryna's format to build out more detail on the scenarios.
- All to comment on issue #2880 on issue templates -https://github.com/odpi/egeria/issues/2880
- All to add suggestion # 2808 on automated release note generation - https://github.com/odpi/egeria/issues/2808