

Host:  Jerry Tan


1. Introduction to FlagPerf—Tian Yan

2. MLOps Committee community progress

a.Outreach chair election results

b.MLOps Weekly Update

c.About the publication progress of the MLOps book

d.Current preparations for WAIC

3. Newcomer introduction

Meeting Content:

1. Introducing the FlagPerf  (Tian Yan)

2.MLOps Committee Community Progress (Jerry Tan)

a.Outreach chair election results

    • Jerry was selected as Outreach chair

b.MLOps Weekly Update:

    • Details:MLOps Weekly Update:第一周
    • Purpose: For engineers, investors, media, etc. who are interested in MLOps, we collect news and comments in the field of MLOps from the Internet every week.
    • Content: including but not limited to:

      New product releases and new releases of old products in the MLOps field

      Startup financing news in the field of MLOps

      Release of important media events in the field of MLOps

      Publishing of some documents, tutorials, and blogs in the field of MLOps

    • Collaborators: Jerry, Fengxin Dai , Song Zhao,Tingcan Wen, Monica, Xuan Yang, Yanze Xue, Jiecheng Xu, Maggie..
    • Publicity platform: Star Strategy Community, 51CTO, LF AI & Data, etc.

c.About the publication progress of the MLOps book

    • At present, the book has 15 chapters and 200,000 words, written by 11 members.

d.Current preparations for WAIC

    • Location: Lingang, Shanghai
    • Time: February 25-26

3.Newcomer introduction

Ziqian Zhang from BasicAI

Video of the meeting:

Linkhttps://pan.baidu.com/s/1h_Yz2AmUu2dQjWDxfG54Ng 提取码: mcm5