Adlik Antelope Release (V0.1.0)
Introduction of Adlik release 0.1.0: Adlik-加速AI应用落地的端到端工具链.pptx
Below are the key features delivered in Adlik Release 0.1.0, see chinese version here Feature List中文版.
Model Compiler
- A new framework which is easy to expand and maintain.
- Compilation of models trained from Keras, Tensorflow and Pytorch for better execution on CPU/GPU.
Training framework | Model format | Target runtime | compiled format |
Keras | h5 | Tf Serving | SavedModel |
| OpenVINO | IR |
| TensorRT | Plan |
| TF-Lite | tflite |
TensorFlow | Ckpt/pb | Tf Serving | SavedModel |
| OpenVINO | IR |
| TensorRT | Plan |
| TF-Lite | tflite |
PyTorch | pth | OpenVINO | IR |
| TensorRT | Plan |
Training framework | Inference engine | hardware environment |
| TensorFlow Serving-1.14 | CPU/GPU |
| TensorFlow Serving-2.2 | CPU/GPU |
| OpenVINO-2019 | CPU |
| TensorRT-6 | GPU |
| TensorRT-7 | GPU |
| TF Lite-2.1 | CPU(X86/ARM) |
TensorFlow | TensorFlow Serving-1.14 | CPU/GPU |
| TensorFlow Serving-2.2 | CPU/GPU |
| OpenVINO-2019 | CPU |
| TensorRT-6 | GPU |
| TensorRT-7 | GPU |
| TF Lite-2.1 | CPU(X86/ARM) |
PyTorch | OpenVINO-2019 | CPU |
| TensorRT-6 | GPU |
Model Optimizer
- Multi nodes multi GPUs training and pruning.
- Configurable implementation of filter pruning to achieve smaller size of inference models.
- Small batch dataset quantization for TF-Lite and TF-TRT.
Inference Engine
- Management of multi models and multi versions.
- HTTP/GRPC interfaces for inference service.
- Runtime scheduler that supports scheduling of multi model instances.
Integration of multiple DL inference runtime, including TensorFlow Serving, OpenVINO, TensorRT and TF Lite.
Integrated Inference engine
Hardware environment
TensorFlow Serving-1.14
TensorFlow Serving-2.2
TF Lite-2.1
- Integration of dlib to support ML runtime.
Benchmark Test Framework for Deep Learning Model
- A containalized solution which auto executes compiling, packaging of models, loading of runtime and models, startup of inference service and client, and generation of testing results.
- Supports all the compilers and runtime that can be integrated into Adlik.
- Supported output: inference result, inference speed, delay of inference execution.