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Table of Contents


Trusted AI Principles RREPEATS from LF-AI announced Feb 8, 2021 : A session is planned for September 15/

The most recent webinar was on October 27, 2021 at 10am US Eastern on , 3pm GMT, 11pm Beijing  - The Trusted AI Principles : Tools and Techniques  

  • Register here:
  • Emerging document mapping open source trusted AI tools to RREPEATS principles here


    View Past Webinars/Content:  https://wikilf-aidata.lfaidataatlassian.foundationnet/wiki/display/DL/Principles+Working+Group#PrinciplesWorkingGroup-Webinars

    Attending Meetings

    In 2Q2021 we have

    In 4Q2021 we meet as part of the LF-AI Trusted AI Committee - see

    In 2-3Q2021 we had weekly meetings  usually at 10am 11:30am US Eastern every Tuesday to make it easier for participants in Asia to join and increasing at noon on Tuesdays and Wednesdays to make it easier for US West Coast participants to engage Wednesday 

    The working group is made up of:

    • Souad Ouali   (Chair)

    • Jeff Cao
    • Prof Haluk Demirkan Demirkan
    • Ofer Hermoni

    • Francois Jezequel

    • Sri Krishnamurthy

    • Layla Li

    • Sarah Luger 

    • Susan Malaika 

    • Alka Roy

    • Alejandro Saucedo

    • Marta Ziosi

    Meetings Overview



    Meetings on 2021-05-04 01 thru 2021-0910-1531

    Focused on preparing for on the session on September 15, 2021  & emerging document & associated education materialsfor October 27 

    Documented in slack - #principles channel

    Meetings on 2021-03-10 thru 2021-04-27

    Focused on preparing for on the session on April 28 & on sessions for IBM THINK Conference in June Conference 

    Documented in slack   - #principles channel


    Review Progress on getting panelists for webinar on April 21  April 28 & on use cases 

    Review getting started on Principles education materials
    Note : Session review blog will be published on March 9


     Review   Next steps after Principles Webinar 1 & announcement blog 


     Review   Principles Webinar 1 - Souad & Francois 

    Agree Follow-on Webinars


    Further details in #principles channel in slack
      Principles Webinar 1 - Souad & Francois  -

    Review blog draft from Alka 

    Review content in slack - also sent out in email to members - Susan

    Identify next steps 


    Topic: Review timeline for 2021 - all details in #principles channel in slack

    • use cases, and technologies that support the principles

    • webinar, website, blogs, slides, conferences

    • education materials

    We created timeline for 1Q 2021 - including scheduling webinar for Feb 10 & identified edits for the website 


    Topic: Share news from Governing Board session & Review plan for AI ethics training with Marta Ziosi

    Notes and actions from the session can be found in #principles slack


    Topic: Prepare for Governing Board session & 2021  
    Attendees: Souad, Francois, Alejandro, Alka, Susan, Robert joined after the call ended (we had a short call)
    We reviewed the slides again briefly - and noted a date error - now fixed
    We reviewed activities to assign people to tasks & came up with some proposed assignments - more volunteers needed to work on :
            Website updates  (Susan) 
            Relationship of the Principles with existing and emerging trusted AI toolkits and software (Rachel)
            Principles education in ai-ethics-training outline for edx class created by Marta Ziosi (Alka) 
            Date for Principles webinar - 3rd week in January? 
            First draft blog for Principles to publish soon
            List of events in 2021 of interest to Principles WG

    We also discussed:

    -- the inclusive naming initiative & whether Principles WG members individually have an interest in joining, or the WG itself. See inclusive naming website slide deck | press release  - We'll discuss again soon after people review - eg whether to ensure that the Principles comply with Inclusive Naming
    -- getting organized - how people join the WG or contribute 

    Meetings through August, September, October & November 

     Worked on creating slide deck summarizing the Principles 


    Topic: Review status & feedback for Principles - and hear from Ofer on Moral & Ethical AI


    Topic:  Review status of feedback from reviewers for Principles

    Attendees: Souad (in the office), Francois, Alejandro, Susan

    Decisions & Actions:

    -- Move meeting out 30 minutes - and shorten to 45 minutes

    -- Incorporate ATT feedback (add explainability) & Marta comments

    -- Actions

    Alejandro - create new slides  with all updates from edits and feedback

    Susan - create new document with all updates from edits and feedback

    Alka - send updated materials to ATT

    Souad - give update on Thursday as required

    All - get everyone's sign-off internally ready for external sign-off


    Topic: Emilie from Orange will present Orange principles

    Finalize updated principles definitions

    Review approach material and determine next steps

    Define timeline for the work of the group


    Topic: Review principles draft & update the terms

    Attendees: Souad, Francois, Sarah, Susan, Alka, Alejandro

    ACTION: All will review the definitions again now the terms have changed


    Topic: Jeff from Tencent presented Tencent principles

    Attendees: Francois, Jeff, Ofer, Susan, Alka, Alejandro

    Aligned Tencent principles with draft principles

    ACTION: Review terms: Private, Secure, Govern


    View file
    nameProposed Approach - LFAI Principles Working Group Committee(2).pdf


    April 28, 2021: The Trusted AI Principles - Practical Examples

    Join  Souad Ouali Chair of the Trusted AI Principles Working Group at the LF-AI & Data - to hear about the application of the RREPEATS Principles to two practical examples:

    • Classification of Encrypted Traffic Application, Iman Akbari Azirani & Noura Limam, University of Waterloo ; Bertrand Mathieu, Orange Labs, France
    • Rosae NLG Framework (an LF-AI project) - Ludan Stoecklé, CTO of Data & AI Lab BNP Paribas CIB. Author of RosaeNLG

    The session will also include a round table discussion with Calvin Lawrence CTO & Distinguished Engineer Cognitive Solutions at IBM, Alejandro Saucedo, Engineering Director at Seldon, Chief Scientist at The Institute for Ethical AI, Emilie Sirvent-Hien, Responsible AI program manager at Orange

    View file


    October 27, 2021:  The Trusted AI Principles : Tools and Techniques

    April 28, 2021:  The Trusted AI Principles: Practical Examples

    February 10, 2021: Introducing RREPEATS: The Trusted AI Principles

    Join Souad Ouali (Head of interoperators' relationships Orange)  & Francois Jezequel (Director of Business Development, Orange Fab France at Orange) and other members of the Principles Working Group (WG) who will introduce the Trusted AI Principles, and some illustrations. They will also issue a call to action to the community. The Principles WG  is a subgroup of the Trusted AI Committee at the LF-AI and Data Foundation


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    View file
    nameLFAI-TrustedAIPrinciplesWorkingGroup Version 03a February 2021.pdf

    Some Useful Links

    (1) Trusted AI website -

    (2) RREPEATS - The Trusted AI Principles at a Glance

    (3) An Overview of the Trusted-AI Principles (RREPEATS) at the LF-AI

    (4) The Principles Working Group in the Trusted AI Committee at the LF-AI

    Former Interested Parties

    • Robert Alexander
    • Rachel Bellamy
    • Robert Nagle