Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Current state: Under Discussion


As CollectionAlias works as an extra pointer to the existing collection in the RootCoordinator, we can implement collection hot reloading at a much lower cost compared to the 1, 2 approaches.

With CollectionAlias, we can implement collection hot reloading functionality as such:

  1. Create Collection A & insert data.
  2. Create CollectionAlias Z -> A.
  3. Create Collection B & insert data.
  4. Update CollectionAlias Z -> B.
  5. Users can access new data with the Z alias.

Public Interfaces

New Public APIs


Code Block
// milvus.proto
message CreateAliasRequest {
	common.MsgBase base = 1;
	string collection_name = 2;
	string alias = 3;

message DropAliasRequest {
	common.MsgBase base = 1;
	string collection_namealias = 2;
	string alias = 3;

message AlterAliasRequest{
	common.MsgBase base = 1;
	string collection_name = 2;
	string alias = 3;

service MilvusService {
	// NEW
	rpc CreateAlias(SetAliasRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
	// NEW
	rpc DropAlias(DropAliasRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
	// NEW
	rpc AlterAlias(AlterAliasRequest) returns (common.Status) {}



Code Block
// root_coord.proto
service RootCoord {
  // NEW
  // CreateAlias creates 1 to 1 mapping between `alias` and `collection_name`
  // 1. If there no `alias` in the metaTable:
  // 	1.1 new `alias` will be added to the metaTable
  // 	1.2 `alias` will be persisted in the `etcd`
  //	1.3 `dd_op` will sent to log broker.
  // 2. If there is `alias/collection` in the metaTable:
  // 	2.1 An `alias/collection already exists` error will be returned.
 rpc CreateAlias(milvus.CreateAliasRequest) returns (common.Status) {}

  // NEW
  // 1. DropAlias
  // 	1.1 Removes existing mapping from the metaTable
  //	1.2 Removes existing mapping from the `etcd`
  //	1.3 `dd_op` will be sent to the log broker.
	//  1.4 Invalidates proxy caches
 rpc DropAlias(milvus.DropAliasRequest) returns (common.Status) {}

 // NEW
 // 1. AlterAlias
 //  1.1 Existing mapping will be updated in metaTable.
 //  1.2 Existing mapping will be updated in `etcd`
 //  1.3 `dd_op` will be sent to log broker.
 //  1.4 Invalidates proxy caches.
 rpc AlterAlias(milvus.AlterAliasRequest) returns (common.Status) {}

 // Collection can't be dropped if it is referenced by an `alias`.
 rpc DropCollection(DropCollectionRequest) returns (common.Status) {}
 // DescribeCollection now returns `aliases`
 rpc DescribeCollection(DescribeCollectionRequest) returns (DescribeCollectionResponse) {}

There will be new tasks as `CreateAliasTask`, `DropAliasTask`, and `AlterAliasTask` that handles the actual implementation within the GRPC methods. 


The recovery process will handle CreateAliasDDType , DropAliasDDType, AlterAliasDDType types.

Code Block
func (c *Core) reSendDdMsg(ctx context.Context) error {
	flag, err := c.MetaTable.client.Load(DDMsgSendPrefix, 0)
	if err != nil || flag == "true" {
		log.Debug("No un-successful DdMsg")
		return nil

	ddOpStr, err := c.MetaTable.client.Load(DDOperationPrefix, 0)
	if err != nil {
		log.Debug("DdOperation key does not exist")
		return nil
	var ddOp DdOperation
	if err = json.Unmarshal([]byte(ddOpStr), &ddOp); err != nil {
		return err

	switch ddOp.Type {
	case CreateCollectionDDType:
		var ddReq = internalpb.CreateCollectionRequest{}
		if err = proto.UnmarshalText(ddOp.Body, &ddReq); err != nil {
			return err
		collInfo, err := c.MetaTable.GetCollectionByName(ddReq.CollectionName, 0)
		if err != nil {
			return err
		if err = c.SendDdCreateCollectionReq(ctx, &ddReq, collInfo.PhysicalChannelNames); err != nil {
			return err
	// NEW
	case CreateAliasDDType:
	// NEW
	case DropAliasDDType:
	// NEW
	case AlterAliasDDType:
