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LF AI & Data Group Calendars Overview



Subscribing to LF AI & Data Group Calendars


  • Login to the applicable wiki calendar page using your LF ID (tac-general@lists... group calendar example here)
  • Ensure that your profile settings are updated to your preferred time zone
  • Scroll to the bottom of the calendar where the calendar name is noted
  • Click on the "..." section 
  • Click "Subscribe" for a list of options based on your preferred mail tool
  • Follow the instructions to add the group calendar as a subscribed calendar to your preferred mail tool


  • If you receive the error, "The meeting host is attending another meeting" or similar message: 

    • A previous meeting using that Host account is still in progress and did not end as scheduled 

    • The Host forgot to end the Zoom session and someone is still connected to the bridge

    • Someone has used that Host account to start a meeting outside of the assigned time-slot

    • Someone is using that Host account to attend another Host's meeting in progress

  • If you cannot get into your meeting because the host Zoom account is in use: 


Zoom Guidelines


  • Visit your LF AI & Data Group Calendar via 
  • Scroll to the bottom of your group calendar, select Add Event, and choose the applicable sub-group(mail list) you are trying to create a new meeting for (ex. tac-general@lists...). 
  • Fill in the fields for:
    • Event Name, enter descriptive name for your meeting and include the Zoom Link you are going to use, this is very important to help others know what Zoom Account is in use during each meeting time
      • Example: TAC Meeting (LF AI & Data Zoom)
    • Start and End Times, selecting All Day if applicable 
      • NOTE: Local time zones should not be used when scheduling a meeting as a best practice, it is preferred to select "UTC" from the pulldown list. If you don't know how a local timezone maps to UTC, try this link 
        • This will help everyone's calendar to sync properly with daylight savings shifts and the overall global nature of the community
    • Event Repeats, select if applicable, and enter the additional details
    • Location, this will be the LF AI & Data Zoom Link (ex. Zoom1: you are using, the meeting links available for shared use are noted below under List of Alternate Hosts for Zoom Meetings
      • You must be very careful to not overlap LF AI & Data Zoom account meetings, you can easily view all the meetings within the the applicable Group Calendar via Wiki page (such as the tac-general@lists... group calendar)
        • You may need to negotiate with the meeting owners if there are conflicts with your preferred time
    • Organizer Email, this will be the sub-group mail list (ex. tac-general@lists...)
    • Organizer Phone, is optional
    • Meeting Event Color, is optional at this time, but try to use the same color as the rest of meetings for that list as a best practice
    • Description, this will be the relevant meeting details. It is recommend to enter the following:
      • Summary of the meeting purpose
      • Meeting lead name
      • Wiki page for reference
      • Full Zoom details
    • Request RSVP, don't use as this feature results in unexpected behavior unless EVERYONE on the list makes use of it which is too difficult to enforce
    • Reminders, set this up for automatic email reminders to be sent to the applicable mail list regarding the meetings
      • 10 minutes before is suggested, leave as Send As Normal Message
    • Notifications, you must select Send Invite To Group in order for the invite to be sent to the applicable sub-group
      • Leave Send Notice To Group When Event Happens unchecked as it is an unnecessary notification
    • To Update a Meeting, click on the event you are updating and select Edit Event and make the applicable changes 
      • Select Update Event to save the changes and ensure you choose the update to reflect on Only This Event or All Meetings as applicable
        • Update Event will make a change to the meeting and will be reflected in the meeting subscription with the next automatic update
        • Update Event and Group will make a change to the meeting and will be reflected in the meeting subscription with the next automatic update AND send an updated notice to the mail group
    • To Cancel/Delete a Meeting, click on the event you are updating and select Edit Event, scroll to the bottom of the Event and click on Delete Event
      • You'll need to select either Only This Event or All Meetings as applicable 
      • The meeting update will be reflected in the meeting subscription with the next automatic update
      • The Send Notice to Group is selected by default, adjust accordingly if you need to remove that 
  • Courtesy Email, as a meeting lead it is a best practice to email the applicable sub-group with a note about any new meetings available, any meeting changes, or meeting cancellations 
    • You should always make the change in and if a notice to the group is going to be sent you can reply with your additional commentary 
  • Refresh Wiki Calendar, for immediate update to the wiki group calendar (if one is in use for the group calendar), refresh the subscription to the applicable sub-group(mail list) listed, otherwise, the update will be reflected in the meeting subscription with the next automatic update
    • Scroll to the bottom of the wiki group calendar for your group, an example group calendar can be viewed here: LF AI & Data Foundation Events - Community Meetings & Calendar
    • Mouse over the mailing list name for the meeting you just set up in that mailing list and click on the 3 dots (...) which will then allow you to view options to select
    • Scroll down and click "Refresh", this will force the wiki subscription to update immediately
  • You must then update the applicable groups Meeting List (such as the TAC Meetings List) to ensure there is a clear view of all meetings happening across the Trusted AI Committee for reference by the community and also for management of the shared Zoom account among the Committee Chairs and Working Group Leads


  • Privileges are only granted to Committee Chairs, Project Technical Leaders, or Community Coordinators

  • All approved alternate-hosts will be added to the mail list for access to the shared Zoom credentials, login to will be required to view
  • Please ensure that you test accessing the shared Zoom account prior to any upcoming meetings to resolve any issues in advance

  • You should NEVER update any Zoom account settings, you may only update settings for your individual meetings if needed

  • The LF maintains the master account login and password management to avoid inadvertent issues with the shared accounts, if you are requesting a change to settings you must email with your request and it will be reviewed, a minimum of 2 business days lead time is required to review and complete requests
  • Recordings should be saved to the alternate-host's computer rather than to the cloud, see detailed instructions below 
    • The alternate-host has the responsibility for uploading the recording file to the applicable group Wiki page
    • Files under 1.5GB can be uploaded directly to the Wiki
    • Files larger than 1.5GB will need to be uploaded to the shared LF AI & Data Google Drive, you will need to request access by emailing
    • The recording should be linked back to the applicable group Wiki page
    • If an applicable meeting recording folder does not exist you may create a new one. (Note: This is an evolving model and updates will follow with a solution that better accommodates those with Google access issues)
  • The alternate-host must review and understand the Zoom Overview and Zoom Bridge Errors information outlined above
  • All approved alternate-hosts will be added to the mail list for meeting troubleshooting and questions, see Zoom Bridge Errors 

titleMeeting Management Privileges

By requesting meeting management privileges you agree that you will:

  • Not make any configuration changes to the Zoom meeting account's Profile or Meeting Settings
  • Not use any assigned meeting bridge to start any meeting at a different date or time than the one specifically allocated for that meeting
  • Not log into a different meeting using the same Host account  
  • Make an announcement if the meeting is being recorded
  • Save any recordings to your local computer and NOT TO THE CLOUD
  • Coordinate with another Alternate Host to manage any meeting that you cannot attend 
  • Assist the community with setting up new meeting bridges that may be requested


  1. Login to the Zoom account for the bridge

  2. Go to the Meetings tab on the left (if it isn't already there)

  3. Find the offending meeting that has your meeting blocked (the green ball indicates the meeting in progress)

  4. Click the "End" button

  5. You should notify that you are going to do this and state which Zoom account you are using


List of Group Calendars Meeting Moderators

Please see above for more information on Alternate Meeting Host and Recording PrivilegesAll approved meeting moderators will be added to the mail list for meeting troubleshooting and questions, see above.

Sub-Group(Mail List) Calendar

Group Affiliation

Meeting Moderators

tac-general@lists...Technical Advisory Council


Trusted AI Committee


ML Workflow & Interop CommitteeView All Here


Acumos ProjectView All Here
adlik-xxx@lists...Adlik ProjectView All Here
onnx-xxx@lists...ONNX ProjectView All Here
horovod-xxx@lists...Horovod ProjectView All Here
sparklyr-xxx@lists...SparklyrView All Here
amundsen-xxx@lists...Amundsen ProjectView All Here
feast-xxx@lists...Feast ProjectView All Here
kserve-xxx@lists...KServe ProjectView All Here
openfl-xxx@lists...OpenFL ProjectView All Here


List of Alternate-Hosts for Shared Zoom Meeting Accounts

Please see above for more information on Alternate Meeting Host and Recording Privileges. All approved alternate-hosts will be added to the mail list for meeting troubleshooting and questions, see above.

Zoom Account InfoGroup Affiliation

Alternate Hosts

LF AI & Data Zoom 

(links vary)

LF AI General & Technical Advisory Council

LF AI & Data Zoom 1

Trusted AI Committee

LF AI & Data Zoom 3

ML Workflow & Interop Committee

Acumos Zoom Accounts (Cancelled due to project archiving)

View All Here

Acumos ProjectView All Here

Adlik Zoom Accounts

View All Here

Adlik ProjectView All Here

ONNX Zoom Accounts

View All Here

ONNX ProjectView All Here

Horovod Zoom Accounts

View All Here

Horovod ProjectView All Here

Amundsen Zoom Accounts

View All Here

Amundsen ProjectView All Here

Feast Zoom Accounts

View All Here

Feast Project View All Here

KServe Zoom Accounts

View All Here

KServe ProjectView All Here

OpenFL Zoom Accounts

View All Here

OpenFL ProjectView All Here


Group Calendar Troubleshooting


Google calendar is notorious for long update delays of up to 12 hours or more for subscribed calendars and you cannot force it to update.  If the wiki calendar has been refreshed and the meeting in question matches what you see in, the only way to force g-cal to update is to actually remove the calendar and re-subscribe. This is a known issue that the LF does not have any control over.


If you receive the error, "The meeting host is attending another meeting" or similar message. Please see the Zoom Bridge Errors section.

Do meetings using private bridge numbers need to be added to the LF AI group calendar?


Permissions for shared Zoom account management will usually be the same as the Meeting Moderators, found here, for each subgroup (mail list). The list of alternate hosts for shared zoom meeting accounts can be viewed here.


See the list of alternate hosts for shared zoom meeting accounts here

What if I want a meeting but there are no Zoom accounts available for that time slot?


If it is for a one-off meeting, you will need to email with your request following the instructions here.

What do #cal-invite and #cal-cancelled mean in the notification emails sent from
