Being Drafted. W.I.P.
Technical Steering Committee
The committers are:
- MyungJoo Ham @myungjoo@myungjoo :beer:
- Jijoong Moon @jijoongmoon@jijoongmoon :beer:
- Geunsik Lim @leemgs@leemgs :beer:
- Jaeyun Jung @jaeyun-jungjung :beer:
- Sangjung Woo @again4you@again4you :beer:
- Wook Song @wooksong@wooksong :beer:
- Dongju Chae @dongju-chaechae :beer:
- HyoungJoo Ahn @helloahn@helloahn :beer:
- Parichay Kapoor @kparichay@kparichay :beer:
- Gichan Jang @gichan-jang
- Yongjoo Ahn @anyj0527
- Jihoon Lee @zhoonit
Merging a pull-request
How to Contribute # Merge Criteria describes how a pull-request may be merged or rejected by committers.
In the above list, committers with :beer: have merging privilege.
Granting or revoking merging privileges require the same procedure of electing or retiring a committer.
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