- Schedule
- 2020/5/7 Thurday, 2pm-3pm KST. https://lists.lfai.foundation/g/nnstreamer-announce/viewevent?eventid=789941&calstart=2020-05-07
- Location: online.
- Virtual: join.skype.com/YH9fDiNouDod
- My employer prohibits using Zoom in the workplace. I'll use Skype instead.
- Physical: no public places.
- Notify LF/AI staff, Samsung/OSG staff, nnstreamer outside contributors.
- Virtual: join.skype.com/YH9fDiNouDod
- Agenda
- Approve Policy/Rule Drafts
- NNStreamer CONTRIBUTING draft of 2020.04CONTRIBUTING (2020-05-07-master)
- NNStreamer Code of Conduct draft of 2020.04Conduct (2020-05-06-master)
- Note that both drafts should be approved by both TSC and LF/AI
- Chairperson (approve @myungjoo)
- Approve sub projects
- nntrainer
- TAOS-CI (the maintainer is currently not available. if he does not come back online till the first TSG meeting, we may postpone this item)
- nnstreamer-android-exampleresource
- nnstreamer-rosexample
- nnstreamer-edgeros
- meta-neural-network
- homebrew-neural-network
- nnstreamer-android-resourceedge
- Designate "Maintainer"
- nnstreamer @mungjoo
- nntrainer @jijoonmoon
- TAOS-CI @leemgs
- nnstreamer-android-resource @jaeyun-jung
- nnstreamer-example @mungjoo
- nnstreamer-ros @again4you
- meta-neural-network @wooksong
- homebrew-neural-network @wooksong
- nnstreamer-ros @again4younnstreamer-android-resource @jaeyun-jungedge @mungjoo
- Community manager
- need volunteer (will wait for 15 sec during the meeting if no one volunteers from committers.)
- Postponed items (no details available... resume this if we get details before TSC meeting)
- Accept suggestions on external activities
- Workshops with university labs
- Which conferences/workshops to submit papers/posters/talks
- Accept suggestions on external activities
- Approve Policy/Rule Drafts