- Schedule
- 2020/5/7 Thurday, 2pm-3pm KST. https://lists.lfai.foundation/g/nnstreamer-announce/viewevent?eventid=789941&calstart=2020-05-07
- Location: Hybrid (offline-online mix)
- ZOOM + Samsung Research public meeting room (if COVID19 lockdown loosens up in Seoul) / ZOOM only (if COVID19 worsens in Seoul)
- Uh.. Zoom is not free if it's over 40 minutes. We may need to use other services instead. ZOOM is going to be prohibited in the location where most committers work. We are searching for alternatives.Virtual: join.skype.com/YH9fDiNouDod
- My employer prohibits using Zoom in the workplace. I'll use Skype instead.
- Physical: Samsung Seoul R&D Campus (Conference Room TBD)
- Notify LF/AI staff, Samsung/OSG staff, nnstreamer outside contributors.
- Note: invite quarantined or on-leave members.
- Let's announce ASAP after the LFAI's announcement of nnstreamer.
- Approve Policy/Rule Drafts
- NNStreamer CONTRIBUTING draft of 2020.04
- NNStreamer Code of Conduct draft of 2020.04
- Note that both drafts should be approved by both TSC and LF/AI
- Chairperson & Community manager
- Designate "Maintainer"
- nnstreamer @mungjoo
- nntrainer @jijoonmoon
- TAOS-CI @leemgs
- meta-neural-network @wooksong
- homebrew-neural-network @wooksong
- nnstreamer-ros @again4you
- nnstreamer-android-resource @jaeyun-jung
- Approve sub projects
- nntrainer
- TAOS-CI (the maintainer is currently not available. if he does not come back online till the first TSG meeting, we may postpone this item)
- nnstreamer-example
- nnstreamer-ros
- nnstreamer-edge
- meta-neural-network
- homebrew-neural-network
- nnstreamer-android-resource
- Accept suggestions on external activities
- Workshops with university labs
- Which conferences/workshops to submit papers/posters/talks