Technical Steering Committee
Techinical Technical Steering Committee (TSC) is reponsible responsible for overseeing all techinical technical aspects of the project, NNStreamer, and its subsidiary projects in the same Github organization.
Initially, TSC voting members are the committers of NNStreamer. Election or removal of TSC voting members should be approved by TSC voting. Except for approvals of license exceptions and the community charger amendments, an approval of TCS voting requires approvals of more than half of present TSC voting members in a TSC meeting, which requires to have at least the half of voting members present in the TSC meeting. Approvals of electronic TSC voting requires approvals of more than half of all TSC voting members. TSC may elect or replace the chairman of the project with TSC voting.
A TSC meeting is required to be publically announced (at least 10 days before the meeting) and publically accessible in order to have valid TSC voting. A chairman or its deputy, who is designated by the a chairman or the previous former chairman, may announce and hold a TSC meeting. If the deputy is designated by the previous chairman, the deputy is relieved automatically by electing a new chairman. If there is no chairman or its deputy available, the most senior and available committer can announce and hold a TSC meeting to elect a chairman. To be available, the committer should have contributed to the project during the recent 30 days. To be senior, the committer should have commited committed codes before other available committers. With the absence of chairman and deputy is publically acknowledged by two or more committers without responses from chairman or duputydeputy, if the senior committer does not annouce announce the TSC meeting, the next-senior committer may announce if the senior committer does not announce within 30 days.
A TSC meeting should be announced via the nnstreamer-announce LFAI mailing list. Other media (github GitHub issues, gitter.im, social media, LFAI event calendar, and so on) may also be used along with the mailing list.