Versions Compared


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Current state: ["Under Discussion"]


We introduce embedded Milvus in this MEP.
With embedded Milvus, you just need a clean environment with Python installed. You can then just do:

Code Block
$ pip install pymilvus # Install pymilvus.


$ python3


>>> From ... import milvus # Milvus is brought up here.


>>> hello_milvus = Collection(…)


>>> insert_result = hello_milvus.insert(...)


>>> hello_milvus.create_index(…)


>>> hello_milvus.load(...)


>>> search_result =…)


hit: (distance: 0.0, id: 2998), random field: -11.0


hit: (distance: 0.11455299705266953, id: 1581), random field: -18.0


hit: (distance: 0.1232629269361496, id: 2647), random field: -13.0


hit: (distance: 0.0, id: 2999), random field: -11.0


hit: (distance: 0.10560893267393112, id: 2430), random field: -18.0


hit: (distance: 0.13938161730766296, id: 377), random field: -14.0


search latency = 0.2796s


>>> exit() # Milvus is shut down, but all data lives on.

The code piece above is pretty self-explanatory.
You don't need any Milvus server pre-installed. And of course you don't need to keep any Milvus process running in the meantime.
The embedded Milvus starts and exits whenever you wish it to, but all data and logs persist.
We believe this embedded Milvus version makes Milvus a real "DB for AI" as it would make Milvus extremely easy to use for data scientists and AI engineers, etc.


Up until version 2.0, Milvus is a typical go project published as a go binary. Milvus also has a typical go code structure, as shown below:milvus
├── cmd // Entrance of Milvus binary. (the main() function)
├── internal // Milvus code.
├── configs
├── deployments
├── docs
├── scripts

Code Block
├── cmd // Entrance of Milvus binary. (the main() function)
├── internal // Milvus code.
├── configs
├── deployments
├── docs
├── scripts
├── ...

The first thing an embedded Milvus needs is to publish Milvus as a library.
Following the go code structure convention, we just need to add another layer to Milvus named pkg where we can export Milvus as a library:milvus
├── cmd // Entrance of Milvus binary. (the main() function)
├── internal // Milvus code.
├── pkg
│ ├── embedded // Where embedded Milvus code lies.
│ ├── ...
├── configs
├── deployments
├── docs
├── scripts

Code Block
├── cmd // Entrance of Milvus binary. (the main() function)
├── internal // Milvus code.
├── pkg
│ ├── embedded // Where embedded Milvus code lies.
│ ├── ...
├── configs
├── deployments
├── docs
├── scripts
├── ...

Running Go From Python

The goal is to use go code in Python. One option is to use CGO. We could export (//export)go code as a C library and have Python to import this library:

Code Block
milvus: build-cpp print-build-info
	@echo "Building Milvus ..."
	@mkdir -p $(INSTALL_PATH) && go env -w CGO_ENABLED="1" && GO111MODULE=on $(GO) build \
		-ldflags="-X 'main.BuildTags=$(BUILD_TAGS)' -X 'main.BuildTime=$(BUILD_TIME)' -X 'main.GitCommit=$(GIT_COMMIT)' -X 'main.GoVersion=$(GO_VERSION)'" \
		-buildmode=c-shared-o $(INSTALL_PATH)/ $(PWD)/pkg/embedded/embeddedmilvus.go 1>/dev/null

milvus: build-cpp print-build-info
@echo "Building Milvus ..."
@mkdir -p $(INSTALL_PATH) && go env -w CGO_ENABLED="1" && GO111MODULE=on $(GO) build \
-ldflags="-X 'main.BuildTags=$(BUILD_TAGS)' -X 'main.BuildTime=$(BUILD_TIME)' -X 'main.GitCommit=$(GIT_COMMIT)' -X 'main.GoVersion=$(GO_VERSION)'" \
-o $(INSTALL_PATH)/milvus $(PWD)/cmd/main.go 1>/dev/null

embedded-milvus: build-cpp print-build-info
@echo "Building Embedded Milvus …"
@go env -w CGO_ENABLED="1" && GO111MODULE=on $(GO) build \
-ldflags="$(LD_FLAGS)" \
-buildmode=c-shared -o $(INSTALL_PATH)/ \
$(PWD)/pkg/embedded/embeddedmilvus.go 1>/dev/null
