Prerequisite: The cache meta of querycoord records which sealed segment, growing segmentsegments and growing segments are loaded on each query node, and which dmchannels are on each querynodewatched by the query node. These metas will be are stored synchronously in etcd synchronously.
1.First of all, querycoord automatically generates handoff tasks and load balance tasks and writes them into etcd, and then clears them from etcd until the task is completed, ensuring that querycoord can accurately restore the task after restarting.
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message SealedSegmentsChangeInfo { common.MsgBase base = 1; int64 online_nodeID = 2; repeated SegmentInfo online_segments = 3; int64 offline_nodeID = 4; repeated SegmentInfo offline_segments = 5; } |
5.query coord 更新meta中的querychannelInfo,