Current state: "Under Discussion"
We tried 4 solutions, each has its own problems:
- Solution-1
After the Proxy receives the inserted data, it only creates one Arrow RecordBatch, encapsulates the data into InsertMsg by line, and then sends it to Datanode through Pulsar.
PROBLEM: Multiple RecordBatch can only be logically restored to one ArrowTable, but each column of data is physically discontinuous, so subsequent columnar operations cannot be performed.
- Solution-3
After the proxy Proxy receives the inserted data, create multiple Arrow Array by field, instead of RecordBatch.
PROBLEM: The primitive unit of serialized data in Arrow is RecordBatch. Arrow does not provide interface to serialize Arrow Array.
- Solution-4
After the proxy Proxy receives the inserted data, it creates multiple RecordBatch in advance according to the size limit of the Pulsar for InsertMsg. The data is serialized according to the RecordBatch and inserted into the InsertMsg, and then sent to the Datanode through Pulsar. The Datanode receives multiple RecordBatch, fetches the data of from each column, and regenerates a new RecordBatch.